Creating a life of ‘Hell, yes!’ energy, filled with all the things you desire, starts at home. With the relationship you have with yourself.

Mental freedom and clarity come from tuning out of the unhelpful chatter in your head and reconnecting with who you really are. I am here to light the way for you to rediscover the leader within – we’ll dive deep, we’ll fly high, we’ll laugh a lot and possibly even cry. I bring much-needed humour to the world of doing work on yourself.


Hey you! Were you expecting things in your life to look and feel a bit different by now? Were you expecting to feel more confident and clear at this point in your journey?

We women can lose ourselves to self-doubt the way that we lose ourselves in books. Our imagination gets captured by some other thing we ‘should’ be that’s somehow bigger and better than the person we are right now.

This results in our game-play shrinking – our resources become stagnant , and our confidence recedes like the tide of a lazy ocean. 

Perhaps you feel like you’ve achieved a bunch of social-norm milestones, yet there’s  a sense of lack. Or maybe you’ve ticked all the boxes you ‘should’ have, but it seems like something is missing? Is the negative chatter in your mind driving you a bit bonkers?

If these words are speaking to you, why not book a free call with me now?

But here’s the thing – the unhelpful emotions and thoughts swirling around your mind ARE NOT TRUTH. You’re not about to be found out. You’re not crap at your job. You’re not a joke of a leader. You are simply human, with a runaway mind that can be tamed.

You are in fact, a magnificent being who has simply become disconnected from her resources, her powers, her wisdom. Your potential is limitless, and when we work together, you’ll start to believe this too.

Debitch Your Brain ™ is the ultimate ethos and art form to upgrade your life and leadership skills and create the space to bloom, fully.  (Plus it will make laugh; hard work is easier to do when there’s humour on the menu!)

Your ego is made up of many ‘parts’. I call these parts The Cast of Bitches – characters which exist in your mind, getting in the way of your progress and happiness. The Bitches have you living a life you think you ‘should’ live, instead of the one you truly want to live. Through raising your awareness of how you speak to yourself, you’re able to disrupt your unhelpful patterns, making space for the evolution of the self. Transforming your relationship with your Self, transforms everything in your life. Existence becomes brighter, richer, deeper, juicy af. Lovely stuff.

My coaching and programmes aren’t just learning experiences. They’re life-changing because they change your understanding of everything in your life. 

I also offer group programmes, workshops and corporate training, plus, I’m a kick-ass speaker!


Shelley's testimonial praising Jess Nicks, highlighting Jess's ability to transform worries into strengths and commending her energy, humor, and insights.
Lisa's testimonial expressing the clarity and control over emotions and mind she gained from Jess Nicks' coaching, emphasising its invaluable impact on her business.
Photo of Priyanka with her testimonial expressing a wish to have met Jess Nicks 10 years ago, commending Jess's contagious energy and ability to inspire greater self-belief.

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